Chapter Statuses

Last updated: 12/03/2024


Understanding Chapter Statuses

The following information regarding chapter statuses is from or adapted from the UCF Golden Rule Student Handbook. Per The Golden Rule, it is a violation of the Organizational Rules of Conduct to participate in any event with a registered student organization that is currently on disciplinary probation (with restrictive conditions), has been suspended, or has had their UCF registration revoked.

Good Standing 

The organization is current with Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life and Office of Student Involvement requirements, is not under review by the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities, and has no pending sanctions for completion. (F = Fraternity / S = Sorority)


Diversified Greek Council (DGC)

  1. alpha Kappa Delta Phi (S)
  2. Chi Upsilon Sigma (S)
  3. Delta Epsilon Psi (F)
  4. Delta Phi Lambda (S)
  5. Delta Phi Omega (S)
  6. Lambda Phi Epsilon (F)
  7. Lambda Theta Alpha (S)
  8. Lambda Theta Phi (F)
  9. Mu Sigma Upsilon (S)
  10. Pi Delta Psi (F)
  11. Sigma Lambda Beta (F)
  12. Sigma Lambda Gamma (S)


Interfraternity Council (IFC)

  1. Alpha Tau Omega (F)
  2. Beta Theta Pi (F)
  3. Delta Tau Delta (F)
  4. Delta Upsilon (F)
  5. Kappa Sigma (F)
  6. Phi Delta Theta (F)
  7. Sigma Chi (F)
  8. Tau Epsilon Phi (F)
  9. Tau Kappa Epsilon (F) 
  10. Theta Chi (F)
  11. Zeta Beta Tau (F)

National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC)

  1. Alpha Phi Alpha (F)
  2. Alpha Kappa Alpha (S)
  3. Kappa Alpha Psi (F)
  4. Omega Psi Phi (F)
  5. Delta Sigma Theta (S)
  6. Phi Beta Sigma (F)
  7. Zeta Phi Beta (S)
  8. Sigma Gamma Rho (S)
  9. Iota Phi Theta (F)


Panhellenic Council (PAN)

  1. Alpha Delta Pi (S)
  2. Alpha Epsilon Phi (S)
  3. Chi Omega (S)
  4. Delta Delta Delta (S)
  5. Delta Zeta (S)
  6. Gamma Phi Beta (S)
  7. Kappa Delta (S)
  8. Kappa Kappa Gamma (S)
  9. Pi Beta Phi (S)
  10. Zeta Tau Alpha (S)


Pending Completion of Sanctions/Probation/Suspension

The organization has not yet completed their educational sanctions, probation, and/or suspension.

  • Educational Sanctions:  In conjunction with any sanction listed below, a registered student organization found to have been in violation of any of the Organizational Rules of Conduct will be assigned educational sanctions that are proportional to the violation such as, but not limited to: reflective/research papers, classes/seminars, community service, restitution, interviews, etc. If a registered student organization has any outstanding educational sanctions at the conclusion of organizational probation or organizational suspension, the organizational probation or organizational suspension will remain in effect pending completion of the educational sanctions.
  • Probation: A period of time during which any further violation of the Organizational Rules of Conduct puts the registered student organization’s status with the University in jeopardy. Restrictive conditions may also be imposed as part of disciplinary probation and will vary according to the severity of the offense. Restrictive conditions may include barring or limiting some or all of the organization’s activities and/or privileges (including, but not limited to: social activities; intramural competition; organizational competition; Homecoming; eligibility to receive any University award or honorary recognition; privilege to occupy a position of leadership or responsibility in any University registered student organization governing body, publication, or activity; or ability to represent the University in an official capacity or position). If a registered student organization is found “in violation” for another violation of the Organizational Rules of Conduct while on organizational probation, more severe sanctions may be imposed.
  • Deferred Suspension: Organizational deferred suspension is used for offenses found serious enough to warrant organizational suspension, but where the specific circumstances of the case mitigate the offense or for repeated offenses of a less serious nature. Organizational deferred suspension is a designated period of time during which a registered student organization is given the opportunity to demonstrate the ability to abide by the community’s expectations of behavior articulated in the Organizational Rules of Conduct.  For more, please see The Golden Rule.
  • Suspension: While on organizational suspension, the registered student organization loses it University recognition and/or registration for a temporary period of time. While an organization is suspended, it may not use University resources or participate as an organization in any University activities or events.

Diversified Greek Council (DGC)

  • n/a

Interfraternity Council (IFC)

  • Sigma Alpha Epsilon (F)

    Suspended until Summer 2025

National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC)

  • n/a

Panhellenic Council (PAN)

  • Kappa Alpha Theta (S)

    Suspended until Summer 2025


Under Conduct Review

The Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities (OSRR) has received a report of an alleged violation of the UCF Rules of Conduct.  OSRR is in the process of reviewing the alleged incident through the Organization Conduct Review Process. For more, please see The Golden Rule

Interim Suspension: Where deemed necessary to protect the safety and well-being of others, of the university, or of property, the Director of the OSRR or designee, upon notifying the VP of SSWB or designee, may take immediate action to resolve the situation by placing the registered student organization on interim suspension. Interim organizational suspension is not a sanction. Interim organization suspension is preliminary in nature; it is in effect only until there is a resolution of the student conduct matter.

Diversified Greek Council (DGC)

  • n/a

Interfraternity Council (IFC)

Delta Sigma Phi (F)

Interim Action (New Member Activities)

Phi Gamma Delta (F)

Interim Suspension

Pi Kappa Phi (F)

Interim Suspension

Sigma Chi (F)

Interim Suspension

Theta Chi (F)

Interim Suspension

National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC)

  • n/a

Panhellenic Council (PAN)

Alpha Xi Delta (S)

Interim Suspension


Organizations Approved for Expansion

Diversified Greek Council (DGC)

Lambda Upsilon Lambda

Expansion completed as of Fall 2022


Interfraternity Council (IFC)

Pi Kappa Alpha

Expansion approved for Fall 2025


Unrecognized Groups

PLEASE NOTE: The organizations listed below are not currently recognized by the University. In some cases this is due to their voluntary disaffiliation from the institution and in some cases it is due to the National office revoking their recognition. They are no longer under the sanction of the University, however, as they had their UCF Registration revoked, resulting in a permanent severance of the organization’s relationship with UCF. UCF’s Vice President of Student Success and Well-Being’s statement on unrecognized groups.

Organization Nickname Also Know As Date Removed/ Notes
Alpha Epsilon Pi AEPi May 2020, Voluntary disaffiliation from the institution, Suspension thru Spring 2022
Sigma Nu September 2020, National office revoked charter
Sigma Pi Spring 2019, Voluntary disaffiliation from the institution, Suspension thru Summer 2020
Lambda Chi Alpha Lambda Chi Gazoni Family January 2015, National office revoked charter